Less is More
The Third Way is beyond two antinomian paths but comes from both. Viewed
from one or other of those paths it will appear to be less on that path
as it's also somewhat on the other path. Hence the way that people say "less
is more". Just cutting something off doesn't make it more - the reason
"less is more" exists as a phrase is because its oxymoronic feel
draws attention to precisely this strange phenomenon. It's because it's
in a certain way that "less is more" that people get a little
kick from using that phrase. It's synergistic, so reductionists will always
say it isn't really there, because they're taking It to bits and only looking
at one aspect of the process. You realise can't just superimpose the view
from each path. You need binocular vision.
This relates to the communication problems mentioned in our Mille
Plateaux diatribe. In physics and maths, the most efficient, powerful
and beautiful equations are the most elegantly simple ones. There's no reason
not to have beautiful functionality and efficiency. Extraneous noise can
be extraneous information. To say something clearly there has to be a balance
between endless exposition and endless silence. The information content
of a communication will follow a statistical distribution curve, with silence
at infinite -x and babble at infinite +x. Perfect communication will be
where x = 0, where it intersects the y axis. It's between ignoring the irrelevant
and overegging the pudding.
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