OK, so here we are again! Finally got my life into some kind of order after travelling around Brazil, Bolivia and Peru for 3 months. This is an interim update before a whole load of new stuff goes up on the site, including some information on the trip, more interviews, reviews and features, etc.
I'm aiming to update this news page about once a month, so come back every now and then and you might find something of interest.
I must confess to being somewhat disconnected from what's happening at the moment, but here we go:
The Association of Autonomous Astronauts CD, "Rave In Space" was launched on 22/06/00. A geodesic dome was set up by Inventory in Hoxton Square and the CD was broadcast on a small radio transmitter to nearby cars, offices, etc. There were also a load of receivers in the dome itself. This was followed by a showing of the proto-film "See You In Space" at the Lux, with a discussion about the AAA and a preview of the www.seeyouinspace.org web site. The night was rounded off by DJ sets from Elvina, Neil Disconaut, Me, and Aphasic.
The 'Rave in Space' CD is available from us, as is the AAA's 5th Annual Report.
Despite the end of the AAA's 5 year plan, a number of groups are continuing with active astronautics. In New Zealand AAA Aotearoa have been making the headlines.
There was also a highly successful AAA propaganda drive at May's Fortean Time Unconvention. Also on the bill were Stewart Home (talking on Mind Control) and Phil Hine (on Chaos Magick).
The Unconvention was sadly lacking the promised anti-Stewart Home picket by Green Anarchist and their vast army of supporters (ho ho). This was a bit confusing after the frenzied call-to-arms nature of the invitation that GA were circulating in the weeks before the event, but I am sure it was merely a case of there being more pressing revolutonary matters to attend to rather than bottling out.
You might also be interested to know that the following Stewart Home texts are now online at the Stewart Home Society site:
We Mean It Man: Punk Rock and Anti-Racism, or: Death In June Not Mysterious
The Sound of Sadism: Whitehouse and the 'New' 'British' Art
Spare Change Books
have produced another excellent anthology, this time by those
that society currently deems 'mentally ill'. It's a great selection
of stuff that celebrates being mental rather than the usual stereotypes
of victimhood, patient, etc.
Contrbutors include Ben Watson, Robert Dellar, Frank Bangay, Tim Telsa (ex of the Vectron Mars Project, etc), Rob Colson, Luther Blissett, Simon Morris and many more. There are also a number of Mad Pride events planned.
Mad Pride: A Celebration of Mad Culture
Edited by Ted Curtis Robert Dellar, Esther Leslie & Ben Watson
ISBN 0-9525744-2-X
Spare Change Books, Box 26, 136-138 Kingsland High Street, London
E8 7SN
Mad Pride festival - 1-8pm 15th July 2000
Clissold Park, Stoke Newington Church Street, London N16
check www.madpride.net for more info on all of the above and more....
The sad news is that ace east London hip hop crew CHIN have called it a day after many years of great gigs and clubs. However all is not lost, there is significant CHIN involvement in Hustlin' , a new club every Wednesday at Madam Jo Jo's. Dj's include Danny Breaks, Rustler, Rusty James, Danny Delta and weekly guest including Chris P (ex-Headbutt and Mad Pride contributor).
Diffusion is a new experimental sound event. The next date is 27th June and features a live sampling set from David Stevens, Live VJ improvisation from Rob Flint (SCOPAC) and resident sound manipulators Clive Graham and Jim Backhaus. It's FREE too.
Diffusion, every last Tuesday at Below 54, Below the Great Eastern Dining Rooms, 54 Great Eastern Street, Shoreditch, London EC2A