>World InfoCon - an annotated report
>by Dr. Steven Kurtz, Professor Carnegie Mellon University
>In a series of cogent lectures by a roster of distinguished
>Phillipe Quau, Saskia Sassen, Philip Hammond, Duncan Campbell,
>Wright, Shahidul
>Alam, Simon Davies, Cees Hamelink, and a variety of other
>significant themes emerged-in fact, too many to be reported
in this brief
>document. However, in the interest of promoting further discussion
among a
>wider audience interested in imagining alternatives to global
capital and
>developing forms of tactical resistance, World-Information.Org
offers the
>following abbreviated list of threads.
>Many of the topics presented and discussed during the conference
>extracted from very fuzzy to dark areas in the socio-political
>way of example, Duncan Campbell presented information on Echelon
(a highly
>classified world-wide surveillance network primarily initiated
by the US
>the UK), and Philip Hammond presented material on NATO's propaganda
>during the war in Kosovo. As to be expected, these topics
are fraught with
>danger when approached from the standpoint of intellectual
rigour. This is
>not to say that these analyses were not carefully constructed,
it is only
>say that when examining topics like Black-Ops (military and/or
>operations of which there is no public record) or misinformation
>that the data is incomplete, unreliable, and often requires
>conjectures to fill in the information gaps (speakers were
all very
>forthcoming about when they were in speculation mode). All
the same, this
>type of analysis conjured many questions about what constitutes
>evidence, and reliable witnesses. Further, this discussion
raised issues on
>how scholars and investigators can protect themselves from
charges of being
>cranks, conspiracy fanatics, or other such labels used to
>explorations into fuzzy regimes, and reduce the production
of multiple
>perspectives and ideological diversity.
>In addition, when considering such fractured information there
was a good
>deal of debate over what type of information has greater validity.
>example, in Philip Hammond's analysis of NATO's construction
of the war in
>Kosovo, a schism emerged that proceeded along the lines of
those who
>that direct experience had greater validity than research
grounded in
>secondary documentation and those who thought the reverse.
Those in the
>former camp stated that when using secondary data one cannot
>corrupted documents from useful ones while the latter argued
>experience is too idiosyncratic and often nonrepresentative
of a general
>situation. This area was of profound concern when considering
that most
>activism is virtual. Campaigns and movements develop support
>individuals who have no experience of localized problems (such
as the war
>Kosovo), and who have no choice but to follow and react to
the course of
>events through mediated resources.
>Terms and classifications were also dramatically problematized.
Terms such
>as public/public access/private/privatised were subject to
>drift from context to context, and there was tremendous diversity
>the way such concepts should be modelled. Of considerable
difficulty were
>even vaguer concepts such as the "the common good."
In this case, the fear
>was that the future hopes and visions of participants were
so vague that
>only an anachronistic political term could be used as a descriptive
>Other common terms that needed more definition were "digital,"
>"privacy," "Internet" and "democracy."
>Institutional Intervention using State Mechanisms and Grassroots
>Organization Direct Action
>While participants expressed preferences and tendencies for
one model of
>resistance or the other, on a practical level, most expressed
sympathy for
>hybrid models. On the one hand, it was suggested that it is
preferable to
>launch cellular and small group units, which could in turn
form the
>foundation for temporary single issue coalitions geared for
both street and
>electronic actions. Others insisted that alliance building
in conjunction
>with legal initiatives had to be used regardless of the danger
of the
>potential of forming future bureaucracies or other types of
>authority structures. The need for legal action at both national
>international levels was really driven home by Saskia Sassen
with her point
>that the deregulation of mobile capital was a major contributor
to the
>collapse of the financial infrastructure in South Korea, as
well as Simon
>Davies' point that Regulation of Investigatory Powers bill
(a bill launched
>by the British government to link all electronic communications
to MI5
>access to all electronic communications without the need of
a warrant) was
>stopped only by an alliance of academics, trade unions, and
human rights
>organizations that intervened in parliamentary process. The
use of
>anti-trust laws were also cited as the only successful means
used thus far
>to break up monopolies. Both Sassen and Quau noted that such
>were at times necessary to avert catastrophe.
>The Digital Divide
>A healthy portion of time was given to the subject of the
Digital Divide
>(the massive gap between developed and developing nations
>technological infrastructure). After giving a brief introduction
>fundamental principles of postcolonial theory, Shahidul Alam
argued that
>grand majority of people in developing nations had been intentionally
>access to information and communications technology (ICT),
and that this
>majority had been all but removed from policy making process
regarding ICT
>(even in their own countries). Alam continued by stating that
>progress dependent on unilateral donor-driven initiatives
can only be
>as a continuation of colonial domination configured to maintain
>information political economy. This description was echoed
by Cees Hamelink
>after which he further explained how this divide could be
narrowed, if not
>eliminated, with rather minimal investment (the equivalent
of the money
>spent on pet food annually) by developed nations, thus concluding
that the
>divide is purely a political one.
>Linked to this subject, was the theme of expanding the definition
of low
>intensity warfare. Certainly withholding ICT in order to maintain
>capital's hegemony is an example. As is Sasken's point of
view that
>invasions by mobile capital and the dismantling of the welfare
state (in
>US and UK) constitute a form of violence so savage that it
can only be
>considered warfare.
>Privacy and Surveillance
>After the presentations of Davies, Wright, and Campbell, one
could not help
>but believe that the technology necessary for total surveillance
>cyberspace and pervasive real space surveillance is not only
possible, but
>is regularly employed in the US and the UK, and is rapidly
expanding in
>other western nations. This tendency was presented as being
out of control,
>and can only be slowed rather than reversed. The question
soon became what
>should the reaction to this situation be? While the speakers
all agreed
>that cryptography was the best means for an individual to
resist electronic
>surveillance, some audience participants argued for a policy
of total
>transparency at all levels in order to stop the proliferation
of intranets
>and the division of the Internet into a series of fortifications
>resisting infiltration from the other. While this option of
>transparency appears to be impractical at the moment, it may
become more
>prominent as infoculture continues to change.
>It was also noted that a paradigm shift is underway in the
apparatus of
>repression due to new vision technologies. The older strategies
of temporal
>immediacy and presence are giving way to temporal delay and
absence. Any
>who has received a traffic ticket through the mail is familiar
with this
>shift. The police field of perception is being extended with
>technology so that entire landscapes of "criminal"
data can be recorded and
>thereby witnessed in a manner that flesh police never could
in real time.
>Although delays in arrest are a weakness with this model (a
gap that is
>getting increasingly smaller), it makes up for this shortcoming
>functioning as an excellent means for intelligence gathering
for future,
>often pre-emptive, police strikes. It also functions well
in mass actions
>considered a danger to social order (from traffic infractions
to riots) in
>that police are able to eventually identify and arrest every
>Cameras have the additional feature of acting as a material,
>reminder that self-discipline must be maintained at all times.
>surveillance system used in London's "iron circle"
(a surveillance network
>that can identify and track any vehicle entering the district)
>as the state of the art for this particular paradigm of repression.
>Criminality was a theme that continually entered presentations
at the
>conference-not so much in its material sense, but in the meanings
>generates as a semiotic network inscribed on groups and individuals
>resistant tendencies or other minoritarian ( in the Deleuzian
sense of the
>term) activities and behaviours. The western cultural landscape
has been
>falsely constructed as seething with terrorists, drug dealers,
>paedophiles from whom the public must be protected. Those
who challenge the
>capitalist order tend to be publicly labelled as criminals
>into the terrorist category. For example, in spite of the
tendency that
>activists using models of electronic resistance are applying
>sabotage nor terrorism (data and networks cannot be terrorized),
they are
>still represented as perpetrating high crimes against public
safety. Recent
>laws passed in the UK linking hacking to terrorism are an
indication that
>this labelling trend will increasingly manifest as law. As
Simon Davies
>demonstrated, crime itself has fallen in the UK and US, and
yet there are
>still regular calls and attempts to increase the surveillance
>of security agencies through legitimate channels by use of
the rhetoric of
>At the material level the culture of control is best indicated
by the
>dramatic expansion of the repression industry (security agencies,
>courts, social workers, and hardware/software). This development
>illustrated by Steve Wright who presented a catalogue of recent
>in near or less-than-lethal weaponry. This included weapons
like water
>canons, foam guns, car taser security systems, and stun batons
that ranged
>in deployment contexts from home use, to prison use, to general
>control. These weapons (of which there are a far greater variety
than which
>is listed here) are designed to debilitate, disable, disorient,
>and/or detain those who are on the wrong end of them.
>Cees Hamelink, in a manner reminiscent of the Situationists,
began his
>lecture by expressing his concern that the cultural landscape
>transforming itself into a big billboard. No person, or place
could escape
>being a medium of spectacle. Sassen was also thinking along
these lines in
>regard to electronic space in particular. Using software development
>sales as key indicators, she argued that the topography of
electronic space
>will be increasingly configured as a space of commerce. The
Internet (a
>she found suspect) as a pure research space or as a liberated
zone is
>rapidly moving into obscurity as commerce overwhelms the space.
The only
>research that will soon be on the Internet will be that of
>surveillance to gather data useful for identifying consumer
>consumer behaviour, and constructing pinpoint consumer profiles.
>Although this topic was at the margins of conversation, it
was noted that
>biotechnology would play a role parallel to ICT in various
>initiatives. Flesh informatics are but another form of digital
>which rests on the cosmological principle of information society
>general--that order comes from order (which stands in contrast
to the
>analogic model that order arises from chaos). Whether we are
speaking of
>digital TV or a clone, capital's obsession with these technologies
is with
>the fidelity of replication. The usefulness of biotechnology
to support
>capitalist hegemonies is undeniable. Already we are seeing
>expansion by way of raiding third world cultures' biological
resources by
>eco-pirates and bio-privateers; eugenic consciousness is being
>for a consumer market eager for the totalisation of reproductive
>extreme medical intervention; and the development of surveillance
>designed to invade biological privacy at a molecular level.
>Final Note
>While this conference had a deeply pessimistic aura surrounding
it in
>to subject matter and critical analysis, there was still a
general feeling
>that effective action could be taken, and that apocalypse
was not a
>predetermined outcome. Autonomous zones still exist in a variety
of forms.
>These can be maintained and potentially expanded even in the
>of situations. The strength of the society of speed is also
its weakness.
>amount of management can eliminate all the fuzzy, confused,
and dark areas
>that accompany high velocity reconfigurations and emergent
>Even totalising institutions like jails have under-economies,
>activities, secret organizations, and conspiracies. While
the intensity of
>control may fluctuate, it will never reach perfection.