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  1. The university of dub in london may have been going for a while in but i think that the people who run the venue are to narrow minded ; the reasson that i say this is because they must seem to think that there are only three sounds in england who are worthy of entering into that venue. month after month the same sounds come and go and the event lacks any real roots and culture. Why are they using rastafari to make money from and not establishing any thing in africa or ethiopia with the funds that they are raking in on a daily basis? This should have been the real aim and objective.To have a venue; establish a set of projects and promote these projects to the masses of people then over a period of time keep sessions to fund these projects ie; a hospital or orphanage in kenya. Instead they keep these sessions and there is always a quote from Haile selassie on the flyer but they the do nothing. One thing i cant stand are those weakhearts and devils who capatalise of the backs of the sufferers then preach foolisheness to the masses of people but they are vampires sucking the blood and leading the nation backwards instead of into the future. As long as these people exist then we will always be at the botton. DO NOT USE ROOTS MUSIK TO MAKE MONEY;HELP THE SUFFERERS and the poor and needy: but we know that many of them are fake and have their own agenda with their desire to be big and famous but they are fools. They have to be revealed and removed. DEATH TO BLACK DOWNPRESSORS WORLDWIDE.

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