
The norlonto crew have gone sidebar-mental over at their blog, and have even stuck this humble effort at the top of their list. So another plug for them, for furthering my devilish world domination strategies. Mind you – knowing them, it’s probably some kind of random script which will transform the page into a bosch-esque vision of puppies with doughnuts on their heads when you go there.

You also have to respect Grufty Jim for ending EVERY SINGLE ONE OF HIS ENTRIES with the phrase “could this be the end of western culture?” – like if he says it enough, it will happen.

In other news, the bizarre non-feud between Matthew Ingram and Paul Meme continues with Matthew roping in random UK-Dance participants and Paul stalwartly refusing to participate, even to the extent of not updating his blog in well over two months (but he has done a new ragga mix CD which is very good).

More content at soon. Met a man in a pub last night…