Some larrrrrrrrrrge blogging from Paul Meme.
Nice one!
On Bowie – I think “Ashes to Ashes” must have been the first time I was really aware of him, what with the spooky video and all. So “Scary Monsters” era Bowie will always get the thumbs up from me.
I do think he’s surrounded by a little to much of the old rock-reverence tho. Best way to wind up hardcore Bowie fans?
“My favourite album? Oh that’s easy! Low. The tracks where he’s not singing.”
As for NIN, I would probably still rate the first two LPs if I had them and Paul is indeed right about him having to ‘beat them off with a shitty stick’ at the gig. Another night spent as “ugly mate” to sex-god Meme. Bah!
I do regard Reznor as being at the ‘lite’ end of industrial, though. Not that I think that is necessarily bad, because he was always very forthcoming about his influences in interviews (which then allows newbies to backtrack to Coil etc). I think of him in the same way as Marilyn Manson, who despite not really being up to much musically is at least hugely entertaining as a personality.