Is Hecate Endangering German Youth?

Last week German Customs agents confiscated a copy of Hecate’s first album The Magick of Female Ejaculation (a joint release on Praxis and Zhark International) from the warehouse of one the CD’s distributors.

Christoph from Praxis writes:

“At a previous check the title had already been noted, but not confiscated; at the time the agents just wrote down title and description, but it looks like they decided the case was serious enough to come back and secure a copy.

The procedure now is that the confiscated copy is forwarded to the ‘Bundesprüfstelle für jugendgefährdende Schriften’ (Federal Office for Youth-Endangering Writing). As there is no ‘urgency’ in this case (according to a customs official), it will take anything between 2-5 months for the office to decide if the title is indeed a danger to young Germans.

If they decide so, it would mean that the CD (and presumably the record?) is placed on the dreaded ‘Index’. This means that it’s illegal to display, promote or openly sell the title.”

The album has been dogged by controversy since even before its release, with the first printer refusing to produce the graphic, but not distasteful, sleeve.