
“I just need to eat pudding and watch telly…” – the daughter, today.

Don’t we all have days like that? I’m off work again with some fluey cold thing. Sleeping and sweating, trying to muster up the energy to DO something useful or interesting. I always conk out like this after over-doing it, but it’s not like the weekend was a mass of hedonism and debauchery or anything.

Really mental dreams, though. Airports morphing into stone circles and back again. Meeting people for the first time I used to email a lot. Mad nursery rhyme stuff.

Can’t face music, but there have been all sorts of things repeating themselves over and over again in my head all day long. The Mighty Dub Kats’ “Magic Carpet Ride” is one. Just the intro, mind. Over and over and over again. If I had any energy it would make me quite violent, I tell ya.
