I spotted another invasion of spambots in my comments boxes this lunchtime. This necessitates laboriously going back through all the old posts and deleting huge great entries about finance for people who by accident of birth happen to live in the US.
It’s not all bad, though, because I do sometimes see comments on old posts for the first time. Today, I am chuffed to announce, I spotted a lengthy comment by none other than Alistair L on Coil, Zoskia and Hawkwind.
It’s probably not giving too much away to mention that Alistair was one of the people involved with Kill Your Pet Puppy zine – a seriously idiosyncractic magick/punk/psychedelia mag from the late 70s/early 80s. He writes really well and hasa habit of sending me old school newsletters and manifestos and stuff.
I keep meaning to write back as well, but they have a habit of disappearing. Not in the sense that I lose them or someone throws them away, or I send them all out to mates and forget to keep them. They just… go…
Now that I’ve mentioned them, they’ll probably all turn up again tonight when I get home.