colossal squid update

I can’t remember anything which has generated so much interest, links and comments here. 🙂 Even the Afflicted vs Ammo City spat, or the homophobia in dancehall “debates”.

People sceptical of the squid’s god-like existence may like to see this comment from Bill, who – quite awesomely – is actually in the photo below.


  1. See this weekend’s Guardian letters page where they admit it is a model of a young female giant squid? I’d hate to meet its daddy.

  2. the reports about that new photo referred to earlier sightings, one I believe was by a tanker cru off Sth Africa who watched a sperm wale and a giant squid fight for ages, end result was that the whale floated to the surface, dead with the squid grasping it all around. However, as it floated closer they say that the squid was dead as well–its head and part of its upper region was inside the whale, either swallowed or chomped :0

  3. the reports about that new photo referred to earlier sightings, one I believe was by a tanker cru off Sth Africa who watched a sperm wale and a giant squid fight for ages, end result was that the whale floated to the surface, dead with the squid grasping it all around. However, as it floated closer they saw that the squid was dead as well–its head and part of its upper region was inside the whale, either swallowed or chomped :0

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