I am not a violent person by nature. I do not enjoy the idea of walking up to strangers and punching them, even if they are fascists. It is just something that needs to be done. I’ve had enough scary moments to realise that I am no braver than the next person.
Nor do I possess the gift of the gab, as some anti-fascists do. I wish I did, because on some occasions that can be more effective against fascism than a good left hook. I really admire those people who stand up to them alone at places like football grounds or in their High Street. These verbal put-downs, often with passers-by looking on, are just as humiliating to a fascist as a kick in the bollocks.
Bash the Fash – Anti-fascist recollections, 1984-1993
Riddim magazine issue 6.
Wax Poetics issue 20 – reggae special with some nice bits on Wackies, French soundsystem scene, Soul Syndicate, Lee Perry, etc.
Praxis Newsletters
Darius James – Negrophobia: An Urban Parable (Saint Martin’s Press)
Osama Bin Laden – The Islamic Millennium (Martyrdom Press)
The Listening Voice issue 7 (subscribe by sending 6 2nd class stamps to The EPA, 33 Hartington Road, Southampton SO14 0EW)
Pulpmania issue 1
The Best of Smash Hits – The 80s (Sphere)
Rob Young – Rough Trade (Black Dog)
You’ve Got Chico on Your Breath – wicked!