mean meme 16 May 2007, 8:22 am Paul Meme returns to blogging with the low-down on dubstep (including video), his latest dubbed up Miles Davis podcast, grime and chickenpox…
Nah I’ve done them all at: Why learn the hard stuff when someone has automated it? Working class control + automation = communism innit! It’s a bit limited but what the hell. Feel free to do me a weareie banner for the shop (which is what they were really intended for)
Commutomation? Im with you there. I actaully have a weareie banner/logo in the works after nearly 2 years of procrastination! Gonna finally move over to wordpress is well. Blogger is appallingly bad. Just have to do a bit of customisation on some templates…
What’s my banner meant to be? A crowd staring at a police corpse outline? Spiderman losing his grip? The art of levitation? A spider sliced in half?
‘Fess up – it’s a matchstick man acting the cunt, isn’t it? Still, I’m not objecting, especially after the Cinestatic debacle…
🙂 Where are you getting these banners from? More examples of youre new found web virturosity?
Nah I’ve done them all at:
Why learn the hard stuff when someone has automated it? Working class control + automation = communism innit!
It’s a bit limited but what the hell. Feel free to do me a weareie banner for the shop (which is what they were really intended for)
Commutomation? Im with you there.
I actaully have a weareie banner/logo in the works after nearly 2 years of procrastination!
Gonna finally move over to wordpress is well. Blogger is appallingly bad. Just have to do a bit of customisation on some templates…
Yer a flash git, droid, but I like ya.
What’s my banner meant to be? A crowd staring at a police corpse outline? Spiderman losing his grip? The art of levitation? A spider sliced in half?
Yeah, that kind of thing 🙂
‘Fess up – it’s a matchstick man acting the cunt, isn’t it? Still, I’m not objecting, especially after the Cinestatic debacle…
It’s all gone a bit Rorschach, martin. 😉