reggae reading and sites

A couple of updates I’ve been meaning to mention for a while:

Dancecrasher’s news page is now a blog, which should be well worth bookmarking, or adding to your rss reader.


Greensleeves have finally overhauled their site with a load of new material to look at and mp3s you can buy for as little is 55p a pop!

Dub Vendor’s new site is even better than their old one with a load more soundsamples to check before you buy plus some nice reviews etc.

Finally Pressure Sounds have given their site a lick of paint as well.

Also some new stuff:

United Reggae looks like an interesting development, lots of news about upcoming releases and a few features as well. I liked the Tenor Saw overview and discography. One to watch, but it’s a bit annoying you have to register to see/use some of the content.

Die hard fans and newbies should check out reggaepedia, an ever growing wiki resource that will hopefully become even more comprehensive and useful as time passes.