From New York To JA

ras kush

Ras Kush on Black Redemption Sound, in Tokyo

Musik Line: Ras Kush: Sound of Brooklyn.

Absolutely awesome interview with Ras Kush about reggae in New York covering everything from the connections with hip hop, soundsystems, Wackies the underdog, Super Cat, Jammyland, binghi sessions and black consciousness. And also the long reach of sleng teng,  Jah Shaka and Xterminator from overseas.

Essential reading and definitely one to print off for the bus/train/tube journey home.

Wackies and Jah Shaka are interviewed at length in this new publication: More Axe #2.

A 150 page perfectbound book featuring some nice archive interviews and writing. Of particular note is the piece on Peter King – Saxon soundsystem’s fast chat originator.

It’s slightly let down by its design and typesetting but is professional produced overall and very readable.

Books on rocksteady and deejays also available. Order via the link.

junior delahaye & jerry harris with original master tape reel

And if that’s not enough Wackies for ya, check out this recent Wackies Alumni radio show in NYC by the man Carter Van Pelt and featuring Jerry Harris, Junior Delahaye, and Prince Douglas reminiscing on their musical history and contributions to the Wackies sound.

Photos by the man named Dubstar.

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