“You’ve done a 48-page fanzine about noise? WHY?” – Paul Meme, Grievous Angel
“Been devouring it this weekend. Awesome zine.” – Ekoplekz
“My fonts logo catches my focus just about every time I see it. That a person is superb. Quite great publish!” – A Spambot
“The ‘zine is essential reading. It has a kind of Idwal Fisher attitude and a ‘toilet reading’ air. Not irreverent and not snooty – ‘I know more than you do’ – like some ‘zines I could name just a damn good read. Easy, informative and not that serious as ‘Eraciator’s History Of Harsh Noise’ proves. That piece made me laugh.
There’s a recent interview with Nigel Ayers and Libbe Matz Gang…I’ve seen their name pop up a few times now in various ‘zines and internet boards, might be time to dip the toe so to speak. There’s a piece by Jupitter-Castrol GTX on revolutionary noise anthems and the obligatory record reviews .. also some live reviews, which is coming uncommon in the printed ‘zine….good to see. The cover did promise knitting, but I have scoured the ‘zine from cover to cover and there’s no mention of knitting! As a subscriber to The Knitter and Yarn Wise I was very disappointed.
I am saving some of this fanzine to read on the train to Bristol this coming weekend… Turbulent Times is A5 sized (pocket porn) and about 50 pages… and like I said at the start… essential.
The back cover features an excellent picture of a guy trying to shove his shirt in his ears at a Rehberg & Schmickler gig at Cafe OTO. ” – Steve, MuhMur Blog.
“The Consumer Electronics live review is priceless.” – Jonathan, old-school veteran TT reader
“Deep investigations into dub noise hybrids, things on cassette, and so on. Highly recommended.” – Fade2
“Wow… John Eden’s new fanzine is like a slip into the 80s… We need this kind of thing right now almost as much as we needed it then…” Loki, IX Tab
“Turbulent Times #9 is a seditionary act of genius. Definitely Hacker Farm’s Fanzine of the Year: a twisted labour of love.”
– Kek-W, Hacker Farm
“Harsh Noise History get a metal salute from me for starters!” – Pete Um
“Best zine in yonks. Worth it for the hilarious ‘My Summer of Noise’ article alone.” – BTi Enquiries, Beyond The Implode
Turbulent Times issue 9 still available from here.
(Tweetah issue zero is now SOLD OUT)