Praise for Turbulent Times issue 10!

The zine is going down well with the people I hoped it would. Thanks to everyone who ordered a copy so far and especially those of you who took the time to get back to me with your thoughts. Some of these are collected below.

Issue 10 is still available from me here. But please note that there are only two copies is only one copy of issue 9 left at the time of writing.


Photo by Craig

“I have read approx 67.4% of Turbulent Times 10 and already it rates AAA on the fanzinometer. Essential”
– Rob Hayler, Radio Midwich

“particularly enjoyed reviews of other noise fanzines”
– Neil Campbell, Astral Social Club

“Even the bag Turbulent Times 10 comes in is top quality.”
– John Appleby

“You absolutely definitely need a copy if yr into odd music & art, superb stuff…”
– Phil Sniff

“Kept new issue of Turbulent Times for this bus journey & it’s a scorcher... [john] is a fantastically funny live reviewer”
– Loki, IX Tab.


Photo by GRMMSK

“BEST NOISEZINE EVER: Issue #10 of Turbulent Times is the best issue yet of one of the best mags ever. Crammed to b-b-b-bursting point w/ info and reviews and features on some of our favourite artists – both ‘Noise’ and Non-Noise – incl: our pal, the talented and all-round lovely geeeezer Pete UM (Bumskipper 3 is very good, btw; actually, all Pete’s stuff is worth a listen, but you should def. burrow into his, super-prolific musician Elizabeth Veldon meditating on ‘beauty’ and dealing w/ online abuse from peabrained fascisti-powerelectronics idiots and – well, I would be slacking in my non-job if I didn’t hep you crazy stactivist thrill-seekers to the Super-Now sound of CONCRETE / FIELD.

Yes, I espesh like that the mag is vehemently anti-fascist and ain’t afraid to say it out loud. But that don’t mean it’s all po-faced and ain’t no fun. Oh, no. That repurposed Jack Chick toon made me howl so hard I soiled my britches.

I was also VERY happy that the package included a Degenerate Waves badge. There was something oddly thrilling about finding that minimal black-type-on-a-yellow-background disk in amongst the zine debris. Couldn’t say why, exactly, though.

Subsubunderground rumours that John Eden – he of legendary BCM-box-numbering – is travelling back in time so that he can release #11 before #10 came out, and that it’ll be in the form of a 48-page A1 Wordsearch, can neither be confirmed knor denied at this point.

Keep reading John’s blog or twitter for details; it’ll arrive VERY soon in your diemenschun, I’m sure.

Cannot recommend this mag highly enough. TT10 and a bottle of 64% Slovakian spirit will get me through this autumn, I tell ya.”Kek-W, Kid Shirt


Photo by Frozen Reeds

“The final weekend in October and I was asked to DJ at a gig festering Consumer Electronics, Sudden Infant, Mark Wynn and Sleaford Mods at The 100 Club in London. Quite an honour … it also gave me the chance of meeting up with my eldest (Huw) who I hadn’t seen in about six years …

It was at the gig I was handed a copy of ‘Turbulent Times #10’ by writer in chief John Eden. A hand with a beaming face shortly behind it came out of the 100 Club darkness and gave me a copy, then retreated back towards the “happening” throng. The magazine became a godsend for the long train journey back the next day.

‘Turbulent Times’ is not an irreverent read but at the same time it is not “The Wire”. #10 centres around the words and works of Simon Morris and Theeeeee Ceramic Hobs, a great interview about the production of the “Spirit World Circle Jerk” album and a supplement tract where Simon explains his feelings towards fascism / anti-fascism in subterranean culture (always interested in this subject as i have been labelled a fascist by a few because of my association with Tesco Org), as well as an attempted interview with a man who walks the streets of Stamford Hill with a swastika sandwich board strapped to his torso – I have seen this man walking the streets myself whenever I have stayed in Stamford Hill … on the way to Stoke Newington but never had the balls to engage with him…

The rest of the magazine made the journey fly by with an insight to the works of Peter Um (who I took a great dislike to when I saw him live in a field in Cambridgeshire four years ago) and Adolf Steg. Two Steg postcards are inside …. There are reviews of live events such as the Extreme Rituals Event that took place in 2012 and words on releases by Re:Clip, Small Cruel Party and Ekoplekz amongst others … a great and easy read that makes the unknown and unheard worth investigating.”
Steve, Muh Mur



  1. Enjoyed turbulent 9, number 10 is even better! Great anti fascist insert, lovely badge and bag. So refreshing seeing a print mag.
    Reviews of unknown bands is always a plus, and the live reviews are a hoot.
    Big up for introducing me to the intriguing and mysterious Libbe Matz Gang, great stuff. Not long took delivery of a couple of 7″ and I was taken back to when I first bought Crass ‘bloody revolutions’ and TG ‘united’ , that feeling of excitement and thrill was intoxicating.
    Number 11 can’t come soon enough

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