Owen kindly pointed out that Mark Stewart has reviewed the latest Portishead album for Spex magazine.
Whilst checking that out, I find he has a new album coming out in a few months, called EDIT, on Crippled Dick Hot Wax.
Also a documentary:
From April 2008, the documentary ON/OFF: Mark Stewart – from the Pop Group to the Maffia by Tøni Schifer will be gracing selected cinemas and film festivals. The film retraces the singer’s steps and paths from the early days of The Pop Group right up to the present. Schifer, who followed Mark around for a full two years, has crafted a detailed, often intimate portrait of the artist, supplemented by interviews with a. o. Mark Stewart himself, Adrian Sherwood, Daniel Miller (Mute), Nick Cave, Mick Harvey, Doug Wimbish, Skip McDonald, Keith LeBlanc, Douglas Hart (The Jesus & Mary Chain), Fritz Catlin (23 Skidoo), Jon Spencer, Gareth Sager (The Pop Group, Rip Rig and Panic) and many others, plus live recordings and music clips. The DVD will be released by Monitorpop in May / June.
In similar news, this entry on KYPP has lead Al at Greengalloway to take an interest in Mark’s work and my piece about him.
So, thank you Owen.
I never understood Mark Stewart’s stuff mostly. Bits and pieces I could enjoy, but on the whole if it werent for the On-U association I’d have never heard him and would have had pretty much no reason to listen at all. The documentary you mention is appealing to me for the Tackhead people though.
It’s all explained in my essay! 🙂
there’s also his new stuff out as claro intellecto ………
ahhh,the mighty mark stewart… well looking fwd to seeing this film
What happened to Mark Stewart’s collaboration with Richard H Kirk? Anyone have any idea?
I think Claro Intelecto is a different Mark Stewart.