fiyah BUN!!!

“how come i haven’t amounted to anything, YOU PRICK, i was teaching myself something, i was REWIRING MY FUCKING BRAIN, deconditioning myself…”

Luka spits pure wisdom and venom. At the same time! So mote it be, brother.

Incidentally, I NEVER take anything personally these days.

Well, unless it’s directly in my face and there can be no doubt that it is aimed at me exclusively. And then I usually think it’s the other guy’s problem.

When you’ve had people ranting at you, trying to undermine your whole BEING, or when you’ve been standing in front of a room of 40 people who have ALL been hostile, many of whom are shouting at you, it’s all water off a duck’s back, really. 🙂

The point I guess I was making is that it’s GOOD that I’ve come across a bunch of people who do great blogs.

People who have their own voice, whether that’s quiet or loud, considered or inspired (or combinations of all that or whatever).