“And once again apologies for my short sightedness.”

Previously on uncarved.org we discussed the folly of insensitive rape imagery and gave some examples of women’s autobiographical accounts.

And in today’s episode:

—– Forwarded Message —-

> From: Paul Mackley
> Sent: Tuesday, 10 February, 2009 14:03:39
> Subject: RATTUS RATTUS’ Latest Mix CD
> Hope the new year has been treating you well :). After a busy close to the
> year i have finally had a chance to finish my latest Mix CD Raped By Bass
> Volume 3. All the suitable links and artwork are below…. enjoy 🙂
> Also dont forget come and celebrate VALENTINES DAY Urban Nerds style this
> Saturday 14/02:——>
> —

> Paul Mackley
> info@rattusrattus.co.uk
> Facebook ‘Rattus Rattus’
> Proud member of the ORTOFON PRO TEAM


  1. mmm… the valentine’s PS somehow makes this even worse… urban nerds raped by bass sounds like a video nasty, possibly involving a giant freshwater fish and some boys listening to Fleet Foxes… Not sure how my flippancy and mass insensitivity deals with issues like this yet but still, you’d think they’d remember an email reply like you gave the first time… scary that they didn’t…

  2. Indeed.

    The conclusion I have come to is that he feels his “short sightedness” was sending me the previous email, rather than calling his mix that name. (I wasn”t sent the email quoted in the post – it was sent to a friend who forwarded it to me).

    The implication being that this is all OK, but some overly sensitive types like me might get offended so you have to be careful who you send it to.

  3. So he’s basically saying his basslines can’t look women in the eye, are addicted to porn, have deep feelings of inadequacy, can’t handle rejection and only make a move when the listener’s drugged, asleep or physically overwhelmed?

  4. “So he’s basically saying his basslines can’t look women in the eye, are addicted to porn, have deep feelings of inadequacy….”

    Baselines having a crafty wank…

    Baselines checking out the Freeman’s catalogue…

    Baselines that quite fancy Lulu.

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