“From my personal point of view I’ve found that acquiring (buying, loaning, downloading, whatever method) more and more music actually makes me increasingly unhappy. That’s why I’ve reduced my acquisitions to almost nil recently. I pick up tunes only occasionally and there have been months without any purchase. I’ve dropped my presence on download/swapping arenas to almost nil as well. Some enthusiastic and nice people on dc++. I miss them but do I really need all that music available. No.
This increasing rush of re-issues and people’s bottomless greed for new tunes just makes me sick. It wasn’t like that before, people meekly waited and murmured not. And they were happier, because when you finally found something it was worth the long wait.”
Juha on the Blood & Fire Board. This obviously relates well to what Dubversion and Matt have been talking about – the “ipodisation” of music consumption. (I can’t be the first person to use that term, can I?)
Juha also runs this great Studio 1 albums site, which will no doubt inspire all you lot to download it all…