woody from the block

I got in from work at 10:00pm last night cos I had to go to Manchester to do a talk. It’s much less glamorous that it sounds, you just spend ages on trains and then go to a room above a pub and come back. Like, maybe if it’s nearer home you get a chance to nose around town and all that and maybe check out some charity shops and so on, but not yesterday.

So I bunked off this morning and wandered around town. London’s amazing when everyone’s at work, isn’t it? I even saw Woody Allen with full camera crew half way down Charing Cross Road!

I had “White Man In Hammersmith Palais” on my headphones and the sun was shining, and y’know – it’s all alright, isn’t it?

One Comment

  1. Dan http://molexroots.com
    As I walk down St. Stephen’s Street – the heart of Norwich’s retail centre – I like to think that _I’m_ the celebrity being pointed out by passers by.
    2004/08/26 @ 06:22 pm

    John Eden
    Hey, in Norwich, you’re probably right 😉
    2004/08/26 @ 11:11 pm

    paul “bone thugz and armoury” meme
    Knackering Manchester jaunt.

    Yes, “it” is alright, despite appearances.
    2004/08/27 @ 08:15 pm

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