jack the house

The house party was a-rockin’. Great place, great people, great food. Really good organisation all round, wicked.

house party wall

Lots and lotsof dubstep, though. Actually it wasn’t all that bad. The sub-bass going on was ridiculous. Stelfox ended up with a light on his head as parts of the ceiling came down in the basement. This is conclusive proof that dubstep is bad for your health in my book. To his credit, he took me down there again later and we ummed and ahhed about not really “getting it” to a background of woooooohm woooohm woooooooohm.

Then this vocal tune came on and got rewound and we agreed that it was pretty good but it would now be back to half step tedium probably. But the vocals came back and I craned my neck and realised that they were being done live by this good lady. She was only on for a few minutes but it was just what we needed.

line up poster

I mostly hung out in the bar area – Lex Pretend was first up with some nice r&b bizness. Unfortunately he was mainly playing to me and the bloke who had brought the system. Twas good though. Things filled up a bit when I came on around 8:30, which I’d like to think was down to my immense charisma but was more likely because people had just shown up after finding the place.

I’d brought sme great tunes – 80s/90s Fashion ragga, fast chat, party bashment and some mashups. My mixing was a bit dodge and the whole set was accompanied by the vibrating sub-bass from downstairs which was a bit mental – like your feet were being played an entirely different record to the rest of your body.

But I dunno, a few clangers. Learning to mix would probably give me something to do when a new track has just started. What I tend to do now is just awkwardly hang about until it’s time to put the next one on, or rummage through my bag. Or drink more beer.

Actually I’m probably being a bit over critical of myself – I’m a selector more than Jeff bloody Mills and people seemed to like what I did. “Walk and Skank” got rewound by me. “Red Wine To Gaze” got rewound by the venerable Boomnoise. (Note to Droid – nobody complained about the vocals being slightly out of synch either and I didn’t have the heart to tell them πŸ˜‰ )

wall 2

I should also mention that I was almost certainly the oldest git in the place. Wandering about muttering about these young things and their so-called “dub” “step”, heh heh. Anyway, Katie Skills was on after me and brought along a bag of great tunes and a posse of up for it deck-hangers and dancers. She had Sugar Minnott’s “Good Thing Going” in her bag, which was my last tune…

I didn’t take many photos but there are loads someone else did here. My 2nd dubstep event in two weeks and I still don’t really “get it”. But apart from that, it was a top night out.


  1. πŸ˜† I see. Its have a laugh at the nerd day then is it?

    Ill have to send you the orignal of that tune so I can ruin for you it like I did for Rankin’ Rez!

  2. Given my endearing failure to beat mix I doubt having the original will phase me that much. EVERY DAY is laugh at the nerd day in my house – it starts when I look in the mirror in the morning πŸ˜‰

    Mind you I would like to hear the original…

  3. aah – it was _that_ house party. i was there the day before so there was no way i was gonna do two days squat partying on the trot. sounds like you rocked the place!

  4. too much bloody dubstep, lol! being the oldest git in the room is an occupational hazard. learn to mix you slag.

  5. I think it would be allowed if you chatted in the breaks, John. You could shout ‘this one special request John Eden, all instruments John Eden, all instruments John Eden’.

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