Archive of posts filed under the books/zines category.
ebay diary: part four
Week 7: Whilst you have the Right to Kill, I must inform you that you are infringing my trademark I was never a big collector of power electronics and have little to add to what is said by the anonymous author of Bang Out of Order. Noise is something which has always interested me, but …
ebay diary: part three
Week 6: Esoterra and Answer Me Esoterra began as a little zine covering occulty type stuff and industrial music and gradually became the definitive in-house journal of what they called “extreme culture”. It had excellent production values with loads of great photos and graphics in each copy. I ended up distributing it for a while …
ebay diary: part two
The continuing saga of a compulsive hoarder. Week 4: Odin vs Satan vs Kali I only ever read Anton LaVey’s outpourings for a laugh or as a precursor to criticising people who thought he was really profound. Had his death added to or subtracted from the mythology? A copy of the Church of Satan in-house …
ebay diary: part one
Mid January 2007. The better half is pottering about the flat and pointedly asks “what is all this shit in the cupboard?”. I have a look and retell the story of my masterplan to flog an assortment of Valuable and Rare documents on ebay. Or redistribute them to the needy. But yes, I have to …
What the deejay said
Dr William (Lez) Henry – What the Deejay Said: A Critique from the Street! (Nu-Beyond Ltd: Learning By Choice!, 2006) ISBN: 0955409403 Lez is the artist formerly known as Lesley Lyrics who chatted on Ghettotone soundsystem and released the classic “Blind Date / Pull Back Your Truncheon” 12″ on UK Bubblers. This book is the …
I am not a violent person by nature. I do not enjoy the idea of walking up to strangers and punching them, even if they are fascists. It is just something that needs to be done. I’ve had enough scary moments to realise that I am no braver than the next person. Nor do I …
reading: Just for you, London
John Barker – Reader Flattery: Iain Sinclair and the Colonisation of East London Ben – Dalston Revisited – Report on the protest at Gillett ‘square’ today Hackney Independent – Winter 06/07 newsletter Bryan Magee – Clouds of Glory: A Hoxton Childhood (Pimlico, 2004) Unwaged fightback – A history of Islington Action Group of the Unwaged …
Plan B magazine
Current issue features “A Secret History of UK Dancehall” by Melissa Bradshaw. Including a link to this very blog, which is nice. If you have ended up here because of that link, you may wish to check out: Born to Chat: The Asher Senator story – John Eden tells the tale of this seminal …