Return of the Equi Phallic Alliance!

“Anti-social behavior – the new lycanthropy The concept of Society had been getting into trouble for some time, then late one evening – as the shadows lengthened across the playing fields – Society vanished on her way home. The police couldn’t find her, neither alive nor dead (but Society had always got on their nerves). …

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“when you take a look, inside a book, who knows what you might see?”

I got nominated for the book meme by Merrick back on May 1st. But I had to hang about with it a bit whilst I actually read some books. And fought an election. And did up my bathroom. And stuff. You’re stuck inside Fahrenheit 451, which book do you want to be? Probably Green Eggs …

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t1 2artspace : Chris Dorley-Brown

For the present exhibition at t1+2 Artspace the novelist, filmmaker, critic, musician and performance artist Stewart Home has brought together the results of his own researches into his mother’s mysterious death in 1979 with the work of the photographer and video artist Chris Dorley-Brown. t1+2 artspace 4 Steward Street London E1 07903876522