Archive of posts filed under the books/zines category.
industrial influence: 35 quid to get in
\ The kind, gracious and every so slightly piss-taking Dubversion lent me his copy of England’s Hidden Reverse. It’s a bit pointless me doing a full review as the book has been out so long. I also should mention that I helped the author out with some of the bits on Spanner/Dispatches which makes it …
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Joel Biroco is typically bang on about the almost unbelievable “trend” of Blogs and ISSNs. He puts it better than I could but the quest of legitimacy is utterly pointless and depressing. In all the AAA annual reports we used to put stuff in like “A CIP catalogue record of this book is available on …
@ bk
reggae and indeed streggae
In the post yesterday: some t-shirts from Dub Vendor as a “thank you”. Payola! Muy bien! Also: A brief introduction to Rastafarianism, Ethiopian and Jamaican Politics, and Reggae by comrade Stuart Borthwick. Which is great and I assume is a chapter from his forthcoming book: Borthwick, S. and R.D.Moy (forthcoming), Popular Music History: An Introduction, …
oodles of doodles
The cartoons below are taken from More Politics Please by Paul Petard (Whinger Press, 2003). 50p (bargain!) from Housmans Books at the south end of Caledonian Road in London, or from 22 Rangewood Ave RG30 3NN (include SAE). Or ppetard hotmail com Whinger have also recently published Communism, Liberty and Freedom – some brief notes …
the boys done good
none dare call it conspiracy
On a not entirely unrelated note, I keep meaning to re-read The Conspiracy of Good Taste by Stefan Szczelkun (published by WORKING PRESS 1993 9.95 pounds sterling. ISBN 1 870736 69 9) I think this addresses some of the pitfalls of taking on society’s view of what consitutes “good taste” which may or may not …
More attentive readers will have noted my almost constant plugging of the book “Q” by Luther Blissett. I’m now 200 pages in, and it’s a very gripping, intriguing read. Sorta anti-capitalist currents in the reformation (Luther and the anabaptists). A historical novel, for sure, but one with a cool ranty edge and lots of rucks. …