in the charts again

So there I was, killing 5 minutes before a train in WH Smiths in Liverpool Street Station. How stunned and pleased was I to discover that Q by Luther Blissett was number 8 in their hardback fiction chart? Nice one.


At last, the Wu Ming Foundation’s novel “Q” is being published in english by Random House. I have been looking forwards to this for ages. Wu-Ming is a collective of people from Italy who used to be involved in the Luther Blissett Project. Their website has just been updated and is well worth checking. You …

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getting closer… or further away?

New at Practical History: The Angry Brigade – John Barker A review of ‘Anarchy in the UK: The Angry Brigade’ by Tom Vague, published by AK Press Edinburgh in its English Psychogeographic Series, 1997 This review of Tom Vague’s book on The Angry Brigade was first published in ‘Trangsgressions: A Journal of Urban Exploration’ (Spring …

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The obligatory plug for the new issue of datacide. Definitely the best of the few surviving zines. Great coverage of breakcore (Ambush, Praxis, etc) and other musics and some excellent cultural and political articles as well. Deserves your support.