Archive of posts filed under the books/zines category.
Fanzines – The scene that smells of zine spirit
non-fiction of the fifties and sixties
A Woebot-style post with a good few images… I know these designs have been hijacked by “hauntologists” like Belbury Poly but I still love the designs. They conjur up many times spent browsing in charity shops for me, but also hark back to a time when there was a commitment to making accessible, modernist educative …
smashing phallic imperialism in Norfolk
We headed off for some more tent-related fun after Camp Bestival. The original plan was to go to Wales, but the reports of gale force winds and torrential rain dampened the spirits of even the sturdiest in our crew. Needless to say this isn’t really my bag – last year’s experience on the Isles of …
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july bookshelf
Tim Wells – Rougher Yet (Donut Press, 2009) Another collection of poetry from Stoke Newington resident and ex-Blagger Tim Wells. Covers reggae, life in the London Borough of Hackney and much more besides. You don’t see me write about poetry much, eh? Maybe I like this because of its punky approach and an almost perfect …
Stewart Home interviewed by Nigel Ayers
Mattias Gardell – Gods of the Blood: The Pagan Revival and White Separatism (Duke University Press, 2003) Very readable for an academic book. Gardell is Swedish and specialises in the extreme end of comparative religion, having previously published a book on the Nation of Islam. The common theme being racial mysticism, of course – in …
Wu Ming blog
Wu Ming Foundation. The authors of the excellent novels Q and 54 have abandoned their excellent english language e-newsletter and replaced it with a blog. I got quite excited about the publication of their 3rd novel, Manituana some time ago and the good news is that the english version will be out in June. So …
you don’t want to bring the arms house
My arm is proper fucked up, so consider this something of an intermission. While I figure out what to do about that, some short posts with audio will be the order of the day. I did a talk at the Audio Poverty conference about blogging, fanzines, music journalism and occulture: It’s sans powerpoint but I …