LDN 23rd Feb: Adrian Sherwood, African Headcharge

Only just heard about this and not able to go, but looks pretty good, eh? ON U SOUND MASSIVE Present REGGAE IN THE CITY The Cock Tavern East Poultry Avenue Smithfield Meat Market London EC1 9LH (opposite Fabric) Saturday 23rd Feb Saturday 29th March Saturday 26th April 10pm – 6am Admission £10 FIRST NIGHT: African …

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Mondo Mythopoesis: Psychogeography after situationism

21 FEBRUARY 2008 176 Gallery, 176 Prince of Wales Road, London NW5 3PT. Entry details tba. Stewart Home lecture: “Mondo Mythopoesis: Psychogeography after situationism. A talk emphasising the non-literary aspects of psychogeographic practice with a few asides about writer Iain Sinclair’s role in popularising the term.” Book tickets: http://www.projectspace176.com/events-calendar/#


Friday = Grime! With Trim! Saturday = noise and dub! With Xylitol! Tuesday = weirded out sorta post rocky stuff which isn’t twee or prog! With Giant Paw! Who I keep meaning to blog about but never seem to manage it!