Blogariddims 12 / Office Party Mix

  A festive session featuring divas, teenagers, ice queens and those in between 1. “Everything I have is gone” 2. “Trying not to pose” 3. “Perhaps if I held you” 4. “The pleasures of night” 5. “It didn’t matter that he was tame” 6. “It penetrates your brain” 7. “A place to stay” 8. “I …

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BASH – interview

Interview with Kevin Martin about BASH, from Metro (free newspaper for London commuters). Martin BTI’s review is here. The highlight for me was definitely hearing the new Bug tunes, especially “Angry” by Tippa and one that kicked off with Ras B giving some shout outs.

RSI Radio volume two

Uncarved presents one hour and 23 minutes of music and commentary for your downloading pleasure! Without giving too much away, this installment of RSI Radio is more eclectic than the debut. Fans of the first edition will be relieved to hear that I am less mumbly this time. Comments welcome! People suffering from slow ‘net …

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