< Drumz of The South >: Sonic Life Cycles

< Drumz of The South >: Sonic Life Cycles. Georgina has posted the film she created for our contribution to the UCL’s Creative Edge workshop on (sub)urbanism. It’s essentially a broad brush look at the development of musical genres and the interplay between the urban and suburban. It is also, as she points out, slightly …

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Dubversion’s pre-xmas CD clearout

Everything Must Go! « Speakers Push Air. Help a man out and get yourself some bargains as well. Lots of good stuff which is suitable for everything from “secret santa” to soundtracks to your xmas shopping sprees. (Obviously I’ve snagged a few things myself before posting this!)

the thirteenth gig I can remember going to

Click here for a complete list of entries in the series  “the first 23 gigs I can remember going to”. 13. Butthole Surfers, Shamen, AR Kane. Clarendon, 6th August 1987. Me and Wal were spending our hard earned at Record and Tape Exchange in Camden one sunny day when they started playing this insane freaky noise …

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The melancholy of hope: interview with King Midas Sound

FACT magazine: Interview: King Midas Sound I recently spoke to Kevin Martin, Roger Robinson and Hitomi about the superb new King Midas Sound album “Waiting For You” which is about to come out on Hyperdub. The interview is now up at FACT and is a great read, even if I say so myself. Topics covered …

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