Archive of posts filed under the misc music category.
comfortably ‘nuum
Eshun and Goodman on The Long Tail virus
Kodwo Eshun + Steve Goodman aka Kode9 (that isn’t a secret is it?) doing their “Beyond The Long Tail” presentation at Audio Poverty in Berlin. I haven’t listened to this again, but I really enjoyed seeing it in the flesh. I’m not a fan of people reading prepared texts, especially overly theoretical ones, but I …
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‘nuum warz
kode9: the crossfire continues. Linkage summary of recent coverage and criticism of Simon Reynold’s ‘ardkore continuum theory. There’s something a little bit precious about the defenders of the ‘nuum. Aren’t we all supposed to be raging at each other and poking holes in ideas rather than defending them to the hilt? I’ve been more keen …
“And once again apologies for my short sightedness.”
Previously on we discussed the folly of insensitive rape imagery and gave some examples of women’s autobiographical accounts. And in today’s episode: —– Forwarded Message —- > From: Paul Mackley > Sent: Tuesday, 10 February, 2009 14:03:39 > Subject: RATTUS RATTUS’ Latest Mix CD > > Hope the new year has been treating you …
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Datacide – back issues now online
Trolls6 is out
Don’t know much about this lot – kind of a travelling collective of visual artists, producers etc. I loved their previous 12″, Trolls5, and played a tune off it on RSI Radio 2 (the 2nd half of the show). Two CDs and a beautiful hardbacked art fold out thingy. Music is excellently produced dark …
« A G I T D I S C O. An interesting site by Stefan Szczelkun about music and politics. Stefan invites his contacts to contribute a compilation CD and commentary on their selection. Check out what people like Stewart Home, Howard Slater, Tom Vague and Simon Ford have chosen and why. No audio though, …
the first 23 gigs I can remember going to
An occasional series of posts in which any semblance of my credibility is blown out of the water. As die-hard anti-capitalists, it’s curious how often music bloggers end up stuck in the rut of expanding their cultural capital. Yes yes, you saw it first, you know more, you have more records, you have a better …
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