Archive of posts filed under the uncategorised category.
On joining
The thing that strikes me about occult organisations… all the way from the Roman Catholic Church to the wiccan coven that organises bake-sales and grooves on lunar empowerment… is that they are essentially mechanisms for externalising the neuroses of their members. A way of turning irrational belief into concrete power structures. A way of limiting …
Having only just got rid of a thumping hangover-induced headache, I am loathe [loath! I’m back on the beer now so the vocabulary has returned] to comment on this. But it was a good night. Probably something more intelligible on this later, but for my money T.O.P.Y. was never an “occult organisation” despite what some …
Now with COMMENTS.
Dnyl also twiddled with various bits which allow me to update the sidebar – first effort is to the left [right! it’s to the right! agh!]. Obviously doing this is fraught with difficulties, like – do you include certain mates who never seem to update their blogs? do you include every single blog which links …