On joining

The thing that strikes me about occult organisations… all the way from the Roman Catholic Church to the wiccan coven that organises bake-sales and grooves on lunar empowerment… is that they are essentially mechanisms for externalising the neuroses of their members. A way of turning irrational belief into concrete power structures. A way of limiting …

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Having only just got rid of a thumping hangover-induced headache, I am loathe [loath! I’m back on the beer now so the vocabulary has returned] to comment on this. But it was a good night. Probably something more intelligible on this later, but for my money T.O.P.Y. was never an “occult organisation” despite what some …

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I started 2004 smashed out of my brain on an unholy spectrum of alcohol, attire including a black cocktail dress, a dalmation-polkadot cowboy hat and a knight’s breastplate. Sometime later I went to see the only white tiger in the UK. Beat that.