fiyah BUN!!!

“how come i haven’t amounted to anything, YOU PRICK, i was teaching myself something, i was REWIRING MY FUCKING BRAIN, deconditioning myself…” Luka spits pure wisdom and venom. At the same time! So mote it be, brother. Incidentally, I NEVER take anything personally these days. Well, unless it’s directly in my face and there can …

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bone of heron, heron of bone

Everyone should have a wander through Luka’s archives. I just did because I was going to post a top ten quotes to show what I mean by good writing, but then I thought it was a dumb idea. There’s loads of fantastic stuff there for people to check out, though.

city of god

I’m crap at reviewing films (I’m pretty bad at reviewing music, as well, to be honest!). I think it’s because I enjoy the immersion aspect of watching them so much that when I resurface I can’t really distance myself from what I’ve been watching. In other words, I have ZERO critical faculties. Don’t go to …

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