time travel

Oh yeah – you can pretty much ignore the times here. There are various settings behind the scenes I don’t really understand, but believe me, if I’m ever updating this thing at 4:00 in the morning, you will definitely be told.


The norlonto crew have gone sidebar-mental over at their blog, and have even stuck this humble effort at the top of their list. So another plug for them, for furthering my devilish world domination strategies. Mind you – knowing them, it’s probably some kind of random script which will transform the page into a bosch-esque …

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Space State Aeon

An interesting site covering off-world migration, contemporary and future mythologies, interstellar magicks and honouring space station Earth. I.e. outer space occulture. This article is as good a place to start as any.

Macs are EVIL

“However, these propagandists aren’t just targeting the young. Take for example Apple Computers, makers of the popular Macintosh line of computers. The real operating system hiding under the newest version of the Macintosh operating system (MacOS X) is called… Darwin! That’s right, new Macs are based on Darwinism! While they currently don’t advertise this fact …

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I’ve avoided linking to Simon Reynolds’ excellent blissblog. To do that would break one of the ancient uncarved policies, which is “thou shalt not link to places that every other site links to”. That said, it is well worth checking out. Simon’s paid journalism is always riddled with interesting tangents, ruminations and musings – and …

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