
Wombats Will Wander

The A.I.N. website is now up! It features a seriously cool selction of texts, rants, animations, hidden porn and other silliness from Turbulence, Instagon and Viral TX. Soon to be massively expanded with the addition of new material by John Eden and Grievous Angel.

Have ya got 10p?

Spare Change Press are following on from the success of their Gobbing Pogoing and Gratuitous Bad Language punk fiction anthology with a paperback of "Black Humour". Short stories of between 2,500 and 7,500 words are sought. The only criteria is that they should be "funny, and preferably in poor taste" and if possible on disk and convertable to Word Perfect. Spare Change Press: Box 26, 136 Kingsland High Street, London E8 7SN.

Dog-Star Man

Our mate Adam is making a film about Sirius and the Dog-star mythos. Write to him c/o Turbulence if you've got some good stuff to say about it, and Fame and (more unlikely) Fortune will be YOURS! Please include a phone number and contact address.

Good Night Out

Academy 23 are rounding off the year with a series of monthly gigs at Chat's Palace, Chatsworth Road, London E5 - 0181 986 7246 (Homerton BR). There will be a number of guests: Friday Oct 4th sees the legendary Kontruktivist play their first UK gig in many years. The other dates are the 1st of November and the 6th of December and should feature counter-cultural luminaries like Raoul Kowalski and Fred Carter (TBC). Entry is £4 (or £2 concs) and all proceeds go to the CORE arts project. More info is available from, ah, "Ce Acatl", BM: Indefinite, London WC1N 3XX.

Anal Exhibitionism

Mally and the A.S.P. whose work has graced SMILE magazine and Spare Change Books in the past, are currently exhibiting a selection of "Cultural Artifacts, Oddities, Commodities, Novelties and Suppositories" in South London. "A Cactus Attacked Us" runs until the 6th of October (12-6 PM: Thurs-Sun) at the Conductors Hallway Gallery, 301 Camberwell New Road, London SE5 0TF.

More Media Sickness

Apologies to anyone who tuned into the 23rd of August edition of 'Future Fantastic' hoping to see the Association of Autonomous Astronauts. Despite being approached by enthusiastic members of the BBC staff (and spending a cold afternoon filming), all of the footage was edited out of the final cut without any forewarning. A more substantial analysis will appear in the next issue of 'Ad Astra!'.

Reality is what you can get away with

Prometheus Rising is Robert Anton Wilson's book about the late Dr Timothy Leary's ideas. So, well worth checking out, basically. And more fun to do it with a bunch of other cool people, too. Well! Late October sees the start of a FREE fortnightly discussion and working group about the book, ideas and exercises. For more information write (including an SAE) to Emily c/o 56A Infoshop, 56A Crampton Street, London SE17 3AE.

The 1996 Anarchist Bookfair

Takes place on Saturday the 19th of October from 10AM-8PM. As well as the usual collection of hard cases, historians and hippies there should be a fine selection of zany zinesters this year. Turbulence will be sharing a stall with the A.A.A. and some other reprobates. The venue is Conway Hall, Red Lion Square, London WC1 and entrance is FREE.

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