It was a dark and rainy winter evening. I met Aba Shanti
full sound crew in a complex of towering housing estates, cold looking
blocks of apartments which wouldn't have looked out of place in Cold war
era, pre-capitalist Eastern Europe. Inner London sprawl. So this is the
environment that contributed to producing the shuddering bass vibration
of Aba Shanti dub plates I thought. It seemed fitting somehow, and matched
the intensity and seriousness of sound that Aba Shanti made. |
Humble Lion and Blood Shanti met and greeted me warmly in the wind swept street, then we went to a nearby community centre, where the Shanti crew carry out music workshops, designed to "put something back into their community and help the youth", as Blood and Humble Lion expressed it. Some Dreads were coolly talking, and playing dominos in the corner. A booming bassline sound emphasised the mood . It was an easy going, peaceful atmosphere, punctuated occasionally by the clack! of the dreads' domino games. Vibes were good, and uplifting. Quotes from Revelation adorned the walls; one particular reference caught my attention, chapter and verse implying that Jesus had died in Egypt (Revelations Chapter 11, verse 8). This quote intrigued me, and I made a mental note to check this quote out carefully when I returned home. We spoke for a while in the community centre, and then retired to the smoky darkness of Shanti studio, famed internationally for its production of awesome dub plates, thundering subterranean spiritually committed bass anthems, to carry out the interview. At this point Aba Shanti I, MC/DJ/selector with the sound made a brief appearance, smiling broadly as he greeted me warmly, but he didnt stay due to other engagements.
Two main characters emerged from the Shanti family, with quite different perspectives. Humble Lion was a thoughtful figure: sharp, erudite, a quick thinker. He spoke a lot, largely about media critique and spirituality in the Shanti sound fold. Blood Shanti, a calm, gentle and taciturn figure with years and years of experience in the UK roots reggae scene since 1977 or so, in sound system culture and with bands/singers such as African Head Charge, Sugar Minnot, Johnny Clarke, I Jahman Levi, was concerned more specifically with the sound mechanics and musical vibes. He came across as being straightforward and direct, solid as a rock. Samari, the percussionist, a polite man, with a qualification from the Royal College of Music, was also present but remained silent for most of the interview. All Shanti sound members exuded a calm and optimistic atmosphere, leaving no doubt that they walk it as they talk it. We drank and ate in the calm darkness of the studio, which became misty with spirals of heady smoke as time passed. A huge mixing desk dominated the centre of the room. Blood Shanti passed around some impressive creased and aged black and white photographs of his early years as a drummer in UK roots outfits from the late 70s, years of strife and riot in London in the black community against oppressive police tactics. Blood makes brief reference to this, and then we formally start the interview. An alert thinker, Humble Lion speaks quickly, his thought jumping from subject to subject. He comes across as well informed, inquisitive and reflective. He seems to hold an almost Manichean - dualistic attitude: light projected on the one hand towards those of peaceful intention within the Shanti fold and in the world, and on the other hand darkness to those manipulative holders of power, who represent corrupt and violent governments and ideologies everywhere.
It was a calm but intense dialogue we shared – Rasta reasonings and debate typically move, develop and change, fluidly and naturally: Inspired poetic insight and expression one moment, Biblical fire and surreal stream of consciousness the next, shifting effortlessly to focussed spiritual or political semantics and dialectic. It all depends on how the spirit moves the speaker.
This is the way things run with Aba Shanti Sound System.
Humble Lion: Well, I consider that compassion
is an important virtue, and I believe the strong have to help the weak,
regardless of race colour, creed, religion. Ultimately, people who are
like us, who hold similar
How do you go about putting together a song, lyrically and musically?
Humble Lion: Reasoning and meditation are at the heart of our lyrics, and through spiritual reflection and devotion, our lyrics just come to us, encapsulating all that has happened to us. This is what song writing is about: the essence of being able to capture your emotions, and put them into words. Actually, the process is beyond words alone. It's not always strictly a logical process. Another important aspect for me is this: Mentally, and in actions, how does one focus on the good and diminish the bad? Well, we know where we have come from, we know where we are today, and we know where we want to go. If a man can't visualise his goals, internally and externally, then it's like walking in the desert. To us, music is music you know: the heart of music touches you, makes a person feel something deeply, beyond words, internally and externally. Music can make someone cry; move them to tears of joy or sadness. That trigger of emotion is the essence of true music. In reggae music now, you have a oneness of expression, dark and light unified, black and white working together. This is what is happening right here now in the U.K.
Blood: I was born in England, with inner city vibes. So many artists strive for a Jamaican sound, or an American sound, but I feel that is the wrong road for UK artists to take. We've been born here and we must create our own sound forms, and put our stamp on the world. Actually, when we create music we reflect and echo what we see all around us, from the point at which we wake up every morning and look around us: When I go outside, I see city smoke everywhere, traffic, darkness, no birds, no trees, no nature. I know that some Jamaican musicians see our music here as too hard and harsh, but we're in a concrete jungle, you overstand, and I can only express myself from the way I live.
Humble Lion: As I see it, reggae music here in UK is progressing out of that heavy drum and bass steppers rhythm, into very sophisticated and futuristic sound collages.
Blood: Well, these points we make are true, but we still come from a powerful Jamaican root and tradition, even though we have diversified to reflect our condition. My influences are still Studio One, Channel One, classic vibes, straight to the heart.
So, which artists influenced you as you were growing up?
Humble Lion: Delroy Wilson, Dennis Brown, ET, The mighty 2 at Joe Gibbs. Do you know some of those artists were only paid about 60 dollars per session? I love the spontaneous rawness of those tunes! On some of those tunes you can hear the mistakes! It's real. Fredlocks and Aswad were wicked too, I have to name check Love and Only Love, and Warrior Charge. I grew up with Aswad, and tunes like this changed the whole reggae scene here in England, it was so far ahead of its time, it stood out from ALL the other roots music going on. Aswad were outstanding at that time, and those sophisticated rhythms left everyone else behind. So, that was music from my time, tunes and vibes from my era which left their mark on me and many others. That music there made me realise who I was, and the power struggle going on through the 70s. Rastafari was looked upon as a black element, and there was a strong unity between the youths in this area, this area where I was born and raised.
Humble Lion: Well, I have to say that now it is not only the black youths who are suffering in this land, so to me, increasingly, the true inner meaning of Rasta is not concerned with colour. (As Zulu Warrior Jah Shaka has said, you know THE TRUTH doesn't have any colour, we play for all nations of people) And to me, this is an appropriate outlook. As we trod along through our musical journey, we want to draw people together, regardless of colour, because it's so simple that it's a universal strength that we should be dealing with, a coming together. If a man has a wicked heart, a wicked intention, it closes down communication, bringing defensiveness to the fore, whereas to us, it's about unity, breaking down the barriers that society builds up. Music has a natural vibe of goodness. We are working hard. Our music has a meditative, reflective vibe and it is moving towards a spiritually higher concept. As long as our sound is focussed, we will go from strength to strength, but to us, this forward looking consciousness is far from ego-centric: It's about unity and oneness of consciousness and it is in this direction we focus our creative vibes because it's a fact that there isn't enough unity and direction amongst people at this time. I'm a man from the 70s you know, and at that time, we could clearly see what was wrong with society and it was this consciousness that led us to unity.
Humble Lion: Aba Shanti work closely with the youth, trying to offer them guidance: we try to speak with them, find out where theyre coming from, how theyre living and try to advise them. We run bass and drum music workshops here in the community you know? The scope of Falasha and Aba Shanti is much wider than people know.
Humble Lion: Well, yes Falasha has deep significance for us. As you know, at the time of the diaspora, 12 tribes were exiled out of Israel. Biblical reading tells us this. In 1973, theologians and rabbinical scholars solved a problem that had been plaguing scholars and academics for years: Where was the lost tribe of Israel? They were in fact, located in Ethiopia; the elders could read Semitic texts, and practiced ancient sacred ritual. This tribe knew their history and knew where they were coming from. Falasha means outsider, or outcast. Many of the Falasha tribe have been wiped out over the centuries, but they survive, they live on. One of our mottoes is, hear the music, feel the vibe!
So by that we mean you're welcome, come and check the feeling! And this
vibe is actually an ancient thing: Check the Biblical
Psalms, which are the original blues, these are
supplications for guidance, and a deep meditation!. Sellassie I comes
from the throne of the conquering Lion
Of The Tribe of Judah, descended from King David
and Solomon. King David was a righteous man, a musician
(he played a harp and is believed to have composed the majority
of The Biblical Psalms) and dancer, who never stopped praising his
creator, meditating day and night, chanting his supplications. Solomon
was a man of Wisdom. So this lineage of Haille
Sellassie, it's a true dynasty we can trace back over a long period
of time. In a lot of other royal dynasties, the world over, you'll find
that in a large majority of cases their lineage is not based on a historical
lineage which emphasises spiritual truth, no, on the contrary: A closer
study often reveals a heritage based on robbery, domination and corrupt
exploitation. A so called royalty of robbers and thieves!
As a Rasta sound system, how do you see the Bible?
Humble Lion: Well, The Bible as a book of wisdom
and insight is a book of guidance, but I stress, that I consider the
Maccabee Bible
to be the authoritative version. They have an ancient copy of it here
in London in the British Museum. Certain academics and authorities though,
have restricted access to it, only allowing so called serious scholars
to view it. Remember though, that they, in their wisdom have defined and
decided what a serious scholar actually is! So, I would say this, don't
read an abridged or selective translation of The Bible, read it as
it is. Only a few words mistranslated or edited can lead you astray.
Think about it: From the material known as the Dead Sea Scrolls, who decided
which scriptures were to be included (or edited out of) The Bible?
Blood Shanti: Well, as for me, I'm a man who has
experienced everything through my livity, what I have experienced and
lived through, and it is that over and above everything else which
gives me knowledge of right and wrong. So my insight comes from reality.
Besides that, great figures such as Malcolm
X influenced me: he had no choice but to educate himself, and
through that he gained a conscious perspective and spiritual wisdom. Think
about it: the time when you most feel the presence of the most high is
when you are down, on the floor, when there is no other turning place.
So that's my perspective, where I'm coming from spiritually.
Yeah, I have to say Dub Judah has range, flow and ability: He is a great producer and songwriter. Also my bredren Keety Roots and Black Legacy.a positive and strong man! From the Jamaican side, Luciano runs things, no doubt. His music encourages togetherness and strength, so that is a musical vibe that brings people together, encouraging people to think of one power, instead of ego obsession. I really feel that togetherness is so important, and what is happening in both Jamaica and in England with regards to the whole music scene, whether its funk, or rnb,soul or reggae, is an endless dividing and categorising into lots of separate boxes, which ultimately, divides people too! You don't gain anything by this division! I do not exaggerate when I tell you that in some places, people are dying, getting involved with the gun over all this division within black music: it's dividing people, and it's just a cynical marketing ploy! So leave these things alone, let people enjoy the music. Let's just look at a lot of today's music for a minute, look at it closely. Jungle, and Garage tunes - so much of it comes directly from Reggae. Take jungle music slow it down, slow it right down, and the elements of reggae show themselves clearly. Jungle is from the same roots and culture source...
Humble Lion: Yes, we do have at least
two major projects within Aba Shanti, and numerous smaller projects
we are running. So we release albums as a band using live instruments
and digital sounds, (Blood Shanti is the major force behind the engineering
and production of the albums) and we also play out live as a full sound
system, with Aba working as selector/DJ/MC. Sound system informs and
educates the listener. Sound system aims to achieve these two goals.
Right from its roots in Jamaica, it has always been this way, communicating
stories of experience, from the heart. Check out tunes like Niney
the Observer and Dennis Browns Tenement Yard! We are directing
ourselves in the same way; good music, good education, which means enlightenment,
politically, socially, culturally and historically through sound system.
Besides that, we are always open to those who would wish to contribute
artworks to Aba Shanti sound system, so we encourage people to contribute
art work, poetry or lyrics to us. If we can include them in what we are
doing, we will do so. There are so many who are disenfranchised or tribeless
in this society, but we are hoping to achieve the opposite, to
show people who have similar aspirations to us, they are not alone.
Blood Shanti: Working towards preservation of this planet in its natural state is important to us, and we've held a lot of sound system sessions where the proceeds go towards protection and preservation of rain forest areas. Look, the inhumanity done by man to man in our collective history is endless. Let's take slavery and its powerful effect, which I dont believe has ever really been properly confronted in American or English society.
Humble Lion. I dont believe the implications and results of slavery have ever been fully analysed or even fully apologised for, in the public, governmental or political arenas. Here, in Europe and in America.
Blood Shanti: There's a lot of people out there who don't care to think about or investigate these things deeply, because a lot of them don't even view what happened historically as wrong!
At the root of this is a deep seated conviction of superiority. Violent acts carried out on others can be justified by the doers if they consider themselves to be of a superior race or ideology. Power and violence based on illusion, and the weakest have always suffered.
So what happens when the exploited fight back against the exploiter? The true reason why the fight back is taking place is whitewashed, avoided, twisted by the powers that control the media. Events are presented to the public in the way the dominant powers desire them to be viewed. Truth is constantly obscured by clever manipulation. People have to see this game taking place! Please, educate yourselves to get to the roots; to read between the lines when you are bombarded by the media. Reason within, and see the truth for yourselves.
Interview copyright 2002 Gregory Mario Whitfield. All images were taken by The Humble Lion and are the copyright of Falasha Recordings. All images originally appeared on the Falasha Recordings site and are used with permission. |