End of 2012 updates


Turbulent Times #9 is selling steadily and is now also available from these recommended stockists:

Norman Records

Turgid Animal

I know that the cost of overseas postage is putting some people off, so you might want to order a couple of things along with your zine and reduce the p&p charges that way.

Norman Records is good for the Libbe Matz Gang/Xylitol split, Pete UM and IX Tab. Turgid Animal stocks all kinds of noisy dark shit that it’s worth taking a punt on if that is your thing.


The interview I did with Jordi Valls of Vagina Dentata Organ is now online at the Datacide site along with other great articles from the new issue.

I have updated my VDO fan site with a collection of material concerning the recent amazing performance as part of the Extreme Rituals festival in Bristol.

My own review of the event will appear in Turbulent Times #10, to be published at some point in 2013…

I am very bored of “best of 2012” lists and will not be doing one. Check my reviews in Turbulent Times or Datacide and scroll back through posts on here if you want to know what I rated!

Happy new year to you all.



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