End of 2012 updates


Turbulent Times #9 is selling steadily and is now also available from these recommended stockists:

Norman Records

Turgid Animal

I know that the cost of overseas postage is putting some people off, so you might want to order a couple of things along with your zine and reduce the p&p charges that way.

Norman Records is good for the Libbe Matz Gang/Xylitol split, Pete UM and IX Tab. Turgid Animal stocks all kinds of noisy dark shit that it’s worth taking a punt on if that is your thing.


The interview I did with Jordi Valls of Vagina Dentata Organ is now online at the Datacide site along with other great articles from the new issue.

I have updated my VDO fan site with a collection of material concerning the recent amazing performance as part of the Extreme Rituals festival in Bristol.

My own review of the event will appear in Turbulent Times #10, to be published at some point in 2013…

I am very bored of “best of 2012” lists and will not be doing one. Check my reviews in Turbulent Times or Datacide and scroll back through posts on here if you want to know what I rated!

Happy new year to you all.


The world clutches new issue of Turbulent Times to its heart!

“You’ve done a 48-page fanzine about noise? WHY?” – Paul Meme, Grievous Angel

“Been devouring it this weekend. Awesome zine.” – Ekoplekz

“My fonts logo catches my focus just about every time I see it. That a person is superb. Quite great publish!” – A Spambot

“The ‘zine is essential reading. It has a kind of Idwal Fisher attitude and a ‘toilet reading’ air. Not irreverent and not snooty – ‘I know more than you do’ – like some ‘zines I could name just a damn good read. Easy, informative and not that serious as ‘Eraciator’s History Of Harsh Noise’ proves. That piece made me laugh.

There’s a recent interview with Nigel Ayers and Libbe Matz Gang…I’ve seen their name pop up a few times now in various ‘zines and internet boards, might be time to dip the toe so to speak. There’s a piece by Jupitter-Castrol GTX on revolutionary noise anthems and the obligatory record reviews .. also some live reviews, which is coming uncommon in the printed ‘zine….good to see. The cover did promise knitting, but I have scoured the ‘zine from cover to cover and there’s no mention of knitting! As a subscriber to The Knitter and Yarn Wise I was very disappointed. 

I am saving some of this fanzine to read on the train to Bristol this coming weekend… Turbulent Times is A5 sized (pocket porn) and about 50 pages… and like I said at the start… essential.

The back cover features an excellent picture of a guy trying to shove his shirt in his ears at a Rehberg & Schmickler gig at Cafe OTO. ” – Steve, MuhMur Blog.

“The Consumer Electronics live review is priceless.” – Jonathan, old-school veteran TT reader

“Deep investigations into dub noise hybrids, things on cassette, and so on. Highly recommended.” – Fade2

Wow… John Eden’s new fanzine is like a slip into the 80s… We need this kind of thing right now almost as much as we needed it then…” Loki, IX Tab

“Turbulent Times #9 is a seditionary act of genius. Definitely Hacker Farm’s Fanzine of the Year: a twisted labour of love.”
–  Kek-W, Hacker Farm

“Harsh Noise History get a metal salute from me for starters!” – Pete Um

“Best zine in yonks. Worth it for the hilarious ‘My Summer of Noise’ article alone.” – BTi Enquiries, Beyond The Implode

Turbulent Times issue 9  still available from here.

(Tweetah issue zero is now  SOLD OUT)

Turbulent Times fanzine – issue 9 published

Roll up! Roll up! Get yer scrappy xerox noise rag!

48 pages A5 (half-size). Mainly by me. Design is even less professional than Tweetah. Content is even more cynical.

Trades/Blags/Distro offers are welcome.

Nocturnal Emissions – Nigel Ayers talks about his recent “Spinal Correction Shred” cassette amongst other stuff.

GX Jupitter-Larsen – The Haters mainstay on revolutionary noise anthems, nihilism etc.

Adventures in Noise Dub – A voyage into the cassette underground. Can we believe the hype?

Libbe Matz Gang – The cult lo-fi electronics unit play hard to get.

GRMMSK – Alienated doom dub from the frozen wastes.

Harsh Noise History – Eraciator’s less than helpful genre guide.

My Summer of Noise – live reviews

Audio Reviews

UK: £2.50

Europe: £4.50

Rest of World: £5.00

choose your location

Datacide issue 12 published

release date: 20 October 2012. 68 pages

This looks like another great issue!

It includes an exclusive interview I did with industrial music superstar Jordi Valls about his work as Vagina Dentata Organ and The Valls Brothers.

Also a bunch of my reviews (including some of the lengthier ones intended for Woofah).


Datacide: Introduction
Darkam: The Art of Visual Noise
Nemeton: Political News
Christoph Fringeli: Neo-Nazi Terror and the Office for the Protection of the Constitution in Germany
Cherry Angioma: Communisation Theory and the Question of Fascism
Christoph Fringeli: From Adorno to Mao – The Decomposition of the ’68 Protest Movement into Maoism (extended book review)
Split Horizon: Control and Freedom in Geographic Information Systems
Riccardo Balli: “Bolognoise ain’t a Sauce for Spaghetti but Bologna’s Soundscape”
Polaris International: Documents and Interventions
TechNET insert:
– Noise and Politics – Technet Mix
– No More WordS
– Listener as Operator
– The Intensifier
– No Stars Here
– Techno: Psycho-Social Tumult
– Dead By Dawn – Explorations inside the Night
– Psycho-Social Tumult (Remix)
Dan Hekate: Kiss me, cut me, hurt me, love me
Howard Slater: Useless Ease
John Eden: The Dog’s Bollocks – Vagina Dentata Organ and the Valls Brothers (interview)
Neil Transpontine: Spannered – Bert Random Interview
LFO Demon: When Hell is full the Dead will Dance on your iPhone (Review of Simon Reynold’s “Retromania”
Christoph Fringeli: “Fight for Freedom” – The Legend of the “other” Germany (extended book review)
Nemeton: “West of Eden: Communes and Utopia in Northern California” (book review)
Datacide: Press reviews
terra audio: 2023: A Spor remembers ‘Reclaim the Streets’
John Eden: Christopher Partridge: Dub in Babylon (book review)
terra audio: Jeff Mills: Violet Extremist
terra audio: Keeping the Door of the Cosmos open – on Sun Ra’s Arkestra directed by Marshall Allen
Record Reviews
The Lives and Times of Bloor Schleppy (12)
Comic by Sansculotte


1) “You can order it now for just 4 euro which includes world-wide postage. We can only offer this super-cheap price by shipping the copies in bulk, meaning if we ship something like 50 copies it costs about half of the normal price of 3 euro for postage per copy (which obviously would make no sense). We will do the first mailout on monday or tuesday, and won’t do another one for at least another 2-3 weeks.

So to get your copy hot off the press, please either send 4 euro via paypal to datacide@c8.com or take out a subscription, which costs only 10 euro for 3 issues. You can also include back issues 10 and 11 in the subscription deal – in case you don’t have them yet – so you wouldn’t even have to worry when the next issue is coming out!”

2) You can order online now from the Praxis Records shop.

3) I will get some copies in a week or two, so chase me up.

4) There will be a Datacide/Praxis Records stall at the London Anarchist Bookfair on 27 October.

There will be a 20th anniversary Praxis Records party on the SS Stubnitz in London on 2 November.

Kid Shirt analogue blog

I haven’t stopped blogging. I’ve just got really really picky.

This is something worth writing about. Like me, Kek-W has been flung into a boredom-induced rage at the state of the world and the constant click click click of refreshing screens.

So he’s done this weird fanzine/pdf/not quite sure what it is lash up. And it’s great – there is something about the format which means that you can’t just scroll through it looking at the pictures – you have to sit down with it with a cup of tea (or whatever) and take your time.

It’s a breath of fresh air – you can tell Kek’s spent some time thinking about it and making it rather than just bashing it out (like we all have a tendency to do these days). Some energising musings on what has got him to this point, and some great features on Pete UM and Pariah Carey. The highlight for me was the Libbe Matz Gang interview which may confuse or enlighten those in search of clues, but either way – it’s a laugh.


Meanwhile I amassing a stockpile of new and old words on little A5 pages myself…



Me on my way to the post office today

Who says the music biz is dieing? Give the kids what they want and you can’t go wrong!

All my copies of Libbe Matz Gang’s soon to be legendary “The First LMG EP” sold out within 24 hours.

Please order direct from the good people at Libertatia Overseas Trading to avoid disappointment. Soon!

Yesterday’s post has also triggered some tremors in the blogosphere, with Exotic Pylon label-meister Jonny Mugwump calling the uncarved hotline to breathlessly say:

“I never replied to you re: Libbe Matz Gang – uncarved just pricked my decaying memory nodes.

Anyway I totally love it – especially as it’s kind of panicked – and makes me feel panicked – and i’m kind of a mind right now that panic is the only justifiable state of existence to be in.”

Jonny also promised to play some tracks off the E.P. on his Resonance FM show, which is 9pm this Friday and will eventually be archived here for posterity. He then COLLAPSED! I had to ring around on my landline and make sure he was alright, but apparently an heroic hauntologistwho wishes to remain anonymous was on hand to administer smelling salts!

Meanwhile the man like Ekoplekz was so overcome that he insisted on a second bite of the LMG cherry with a post over premiere league uber blog An Idiots Guide To Dreaming.

The last word went to godfather blogger Don Kid Shirt, though, who cuffed the young cubs for their insolence, reminding them that he had been in on the act over a year ago!

With this sort of glitterati support behind the group, surely it can’t be long before the inevitable unmasking and backlash?!



Order direct from the label instead.

9 track 33.3 rpm seven inch EP. 200 copies only.

Murky business all this Libbe Matz Gang stuff, but more of that anon. They are hooligans, basically, who have entrusted me with a few copies of their debut release… check out the youtube megamix for a vague idea of what you’re letting yourself in for!


“Sounds great. So come on, who is it?”

– Ekoplekz

“I like! ‘Mod Violence’ is brilliant.”

– Peter Rehberg (Editions Mego)

“It has been a while since I received such an intriguing unsolicited item
in the mail. Primitive murky computer electronics. Great grimy graphics,
multilayered reference points. Some kind of cranky political messages I
can’t decipher. Postmark was North London, handwriting was unfamiliar.
Label claims to be based in Sealand.”

– HongKongGoolagong (Special Interests Forum)

“John Eden sends me this, being a bit coy about details, but nothing to do
with him personally, apparently. It seems vaguely Edenic in it’s vision
tho, being all dystopic Industrial subversive occultic blackness with the
samizdat typewriters & the PO Boxes etc, ha ha.

Beyond that I’m still totally in WTF mode, to be honest. The first track I
put on “BLACKWALL TUNNEL DRIVE” kicked off like perfect minimal electronic
black grunge like Shitcluster with the last residual funk drained out it,
and I thought for a cold sweaty moment some uncut stuff was going to
change my head forever, like all slop-fed miserable junkies do, especially
since it’s pressed at 33.3 to fit 9 songs on & it’s DEDICATED TO ANYONE

When I die my job in hell will be to write blurb for Boomkat while Libby
Purves and Justin Webb chivvy me along and I suppose given this task at
that point I’d be gurgling about a Nate Young/Hype Williams collab being
produced by Damon Edge in a horrible perpetual East German early 80s
winter, and only Nathan Barley would believe me. I’m not really into
clever things myself, but the palette is spot-on in its
cold-distorted-metal-in-warehouse colours, which they say/he says/she says
they get from ATARI/VUVUZELA/E.V.P!

Beautifully detuned and masterful reverb, good use of the stereo field.
Whole thing hangs together perfectly with the collaged quality of a good
zine. It makes me a bit suspicious, but then I quite like being teased.
The record is better than this megamix, I would say, and cheerlessly cheap
at £5 including p&p!”

– Pete UM